
Mar 10, 2018

The Amazing Crafty!

Today was the first day of dance competitions for Crafty. Her solo was supposed to be the very last one, scheduled for 9:30 pm, but they didn't get to it until about 10:00. Dance competitions are so expensive, especially for solos, and then they charge $7 for admission, so we didn't go to this one even though she was pretty miffed at us for not supporting her.

All ready to go...

We took the kids to the free theater to see Wonder. What a good movie! When we got home about 11:00, she still wasn't here, so I promptly texted her dance teacher. Crafty walked through the door before her teacher even had time to reply and she was carrying a large 1st place trophy for her division, but even more impressive was the ribbon for Exceptional Technique. There were hundreds of girls and only a couple of those ribbons were given out today and she received one of them!

Love that she is skilled in so many things. Can't wait to see what she does next!

1 comment:

  1. Your Crafty is such a lovely talented young woman. You should be so pleased with her awards; that is so awesome. I must say that the movie "Wonder" is one of my favorites. I think it should be shown in schools. It covered a lot of area of bullying and other teenage feelings.
    Loving thoughts and hugs sent to your crafty on this one!
