
Mar 11, 2018

Grizzkids Pizza Party and Hockey Game

Another busy Saturday!!

We delivered cookies for almost 6 straight hours before we finally quit for the day and got ready for the Grizzkids Pizza Party and Hockey Game. If you remember right, last time we went to a hockey game, we signed up our 3 youngest and Taco and Burrito for the kids' hockey club.

They were all so excited when the invitation showed up in our email for the party. Adult tickets were only $10, but Bossy and Gamer decided to sit this one out, so my sweetie and I took the 5 kids and Sport to the game. We had so much fun!

The party started in the Centennial Room with pizza and drinks. There were a couple of players there signing autographs, but the kids were way more excited to see Grizzbee, the mascot, than actual hockey players. When we were finished, we still had about 45 minutes to kill, so we wandered the concourse. The Army booth was a favorite and the kids were given earbuds, water bottles, and pens. They also loved the one with the rescue dog (it had candy, which helped).

We settled into the game with kettle corn and cotton candy. After the 2nd period, Baby Doll was approached about doing a dance-off on camera. Unfortunately, she was bumped for someone who didn't even want to dance, but the MC gave her a cute Grizzlies frame for being a good sport. He also gave something to Taco and Burrito who were her entourage.

We left the game hungry since we had eaten at 5:00 and headed for the Village Inn to use my free coupons. Lots of fun and laughter followed and we ended up taking the grandkids home about 11:30. Tomorrow will be a rough morning, but it was pretty worth it.


  1. So jealous! I wish Cat Lover and I were there too.

  2. It looks like you had a great day!

  3. Wow, all smiles on this one. It looked like such a fun Pizza Party and Hockey Game. You are always so marvelous at getting your children into these activities.
    Blessings and hugs!
