
Mar 12, 2018

Hello Girl Scout Week

It is the beginning of Girl Scout Week; did you know that? Our council gave us t-shirts and patches if we would do something fun to celebrate girls and women, so last Friday we had a resume and scholarship fair for the older girls and some fun sensory activities for the little ones.

Li'l Sis handled the resume writing part of things and Prima Donna was in charge of the little girls. She was helping them earn the senses badge, so they started playing games in the yard (we had beautiful weather!) and then they came inside to smell some extracts before turning them into frosting for cupcakes so they could taste them.

Now Prima Donna is great with kids, but for some reason, she didn't learn one simple truth from the Cupcake Club about making frosting. DON'T TURN ON THE MIXER BEFORE ADDING THE MILK!!

Now in her defense, it wasn't actually her fingers that flipped the switch to high, effectively sending a shower of powdered sugar all over the girls and all over my kitchen, but she was definitely in charge. Fortunately, things cleaned up quickly and all is well.

Half cleaned up

We just love these life lessons we learn in our awesome scout troop!

Happy Girl Scout Week everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at the numbr of girls in your scout troop. I really like the shirts. The activities were great except for the clean up of the kitchen. We do get to learn lots of these kinds of lessons in life.
    Sending extra loving thoughts and hugs for this one!
