
Mar 6, 2018

Happy Birthday, Great Aunt Jan

One day when Teach and Twiz were first married, I pulled out a new frame and tossed the stock picture in the garbage. Teach pulled it out and asked me who it was, and then promptly christened her our "Great Aunt Jan."

Great Aunt Jan has had a place in our hearts (a tiny place) ever since. She has shown up in the most unlikely places, including a notepad full of her pictures and then in several cards mailed home from vacation and packed into several suitcases for others. She has been a source of fun and laughter long enough that we sort of feel like she really is part of our family.

So when Drama Queen made our family calendar for Christmas, she placed Great Aunt Jan's birthday in March; 3/3/1833 is her official birth date. Yesterday we had a party in her memory. Drama Queen and Teach planned it and we held it at their house. Drama Queen made a large pot of rice and some chicken and we all brought ingredients for teriyaki rice bowls.

We had a gift exchange game with a $5 limit and we shared family history stories about our real ancestors. It was fun and different and a bit crowded. I think Great Aunt Jan would have been pleased.


  1. That sounds sounsalted so fun. I love that you have a Great Aunt Jan ☺️

  2. This was such a fun post. I love it when you can come up with an unusual tradition and this is a fantastic one. Your celebration was fun and I liked that you did your own ancestors. Blessings and hugs for all!

  3. This post made me laugh! It is hilarious! I love this new tradition!
