
Mar 3, 2018

Dog Walker's Wedding Day

Yesterday was a wonderful, amazing, happy day! I was smiling so much my face was hurting. And last night we got home about 10:15 and I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep so I went to be and didn't get up for 11 hours.

But you don't want to hear about me, you want to hear about Dog Walker's wedding.

They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple at 10:20 AM. We waited around for a while for pictures on the temple steps, and then we hustled back to get all the food to the church for the luncheon. We didn't have to hurry that fast. Our newlyweds were a good half an hour behind us; but it all worked out well and we had a nice fiesta for about 70 people. 

Waiting for them to come out.
Mr. and Mrs.
Luncheon pics

After we cleaned everything up, most of us took off for the other church to finish setting up the reception. We didn't have a ton of things left, since Cat Lover's family handled most of the decorating beyond the lights, the stage and the backdrop. They did a fabulous job and by the time we were finished, the entire gym had stars and flowers and giant fans everywhere. We got so many compliments!

Dog Walker and my favorite girls
Most of my favorite guys

Cat Lover's parents catered Leatherby's ice cream sundaes for the food, so I only had to worry about water and then the cake was my responsibility too. My friend, Dana, got there about 5:30 to set it up and then we only had to do pictures before our steady stream of guests began to arrive.

Little Warrior and Twizlet sharing a dance.
Things didn't let up until about 8:10 and then we had a brief slow period before we finished up with dancing and cutting the cake. We blew them off with bubbles and had the church cleaned up by about 10:00. We took so many pictures! I will post more after we get them back from the photographer..

Cutting the cake


  1. Glad to see the men picture says "Most of my favorites" because obviously I wasn't there!


  2. I know! Why weren't you there? ;)

  3. I loved being able to come to the reception. Everything was so lovely. I loved your dress and the Bride and Groom were so cute. You all looked so awesome. I like the photos you took of the girls and the boys. I am so happy it all went well. Of course, when you have an event it always turns out sweet.
    Sending loving thoughts and big hugs your way!
