
Feb 5, 2018

Superbowl Sunday

What a fun day! We went to church this morning at 9:00 and when we got home we settled the kids for lunch and then my sweetie and I took off across the valley so he could get a chance to meet his new grandson before he has to fly out again tomorrow morning.

 Tadpole was wide awake for his grandpa and just stared at him. I must have been more boring, because my sweetie managed to snap this picture of the gigantic yawn while I was holding him. He is such a precious little soul; straight from Heaven.

After visiting for almost an hour, we climbed in the car for the ride home. We got back about 3:30, just enough time for Curly and me to deliver the last of the shower invitations. That day is sneaking up on me so quickly! I also have to get the Girl Scout cookies ordered this weekend. My girls did pretty well and we have almost 1500 boxes for the 3 of them. I'm still waiting on about half the troop to give me their forms and then after counting and balancing them all, I have to make an educated guess about how many to order for our cookie booths.

Baby Doll and Twizlet tried on their dresses for the wedding during the party. That's the only pic I took.
But why would I be talking about cookies when I could be talking Superbowl? We did have a party and Bossy's family as well as Drama Queen, and Teach's family showed up to share pulled pork and nachos with us. We also had plenty of treats and goodies. I watched the game and counted cookies at the same time. It literally took me the entire game and then some to finish. I guess I can't count that well while I am cheering for the latest touchdown...

1 comment:

  1. I feel a little sad that your sweetie has to fly out again. I am happy to see the adorable photos of him and especially that little Tadpole. What a gift form Heavenly.
    We had the food for the Superbowl but ended up not watching it. I think my husband recorded it so he could probably watch the last part. The missionaries came by so we spent some time with them.
    It was a delightful Sabbath Day and happy ou had a good one too. I can not multitask anymore so I would be able to count cookes and watch the game too.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for you!
