
Feb 3, 2018

Sweet Saturday

Sorry I have been AWOL, but my sweetie is finally home and I wanted to spend all day with him today. He is still two hours ahead on his sleep schedule, so he went to bed early and that gives me a minute to tell you about my day.

It was the last day of basketball for my three youngest and the grandsons. Of the 5, Taco's team was the only one that managed a win. Li'l Sis came over and spent some time letting her kids play in between games, and Drama Queen came over to help my sweetie with the basement project, but ended up cooking dinner for the kids instead.

Beauty and The Beast took me to dinner at a little Chinese place for my birthday. My sweetie was invited along, of course and we had the Little Warrior with us as well. It was my job to play with him the entire time; that was more fun than eating! It only took me 7 tries at the selfie to catch him in a partial smile. He was too busy trying to grab my phone.

This was also the first time he had tried to sit up in a restaurant high chair and as long as I kept my hand on his back, he did great. I can't believe this little guy is nearly 6 months old already!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that your dear hubby is back. I hated it when my husband traveled and so happy when he returned home. I can see he came home to some great activities. I think it is fun that your children took you both our to eat for your birthday. You little one is adorable and I think the sefie is awesome.
    Blessings and hugs~
