
Feb 6, 2018

Organizing the Food Store

While my sweetie has been out of town, we have been trying to get a couple of things cleaned out and our food store was one of them. When we built our house almost 24 years ago, one of our requirements was a large room under the porch that would keep food cool and give us a place to store it all for our growing family. At first it just had stuff stacked everywhere since we couldn't afford shelves or anything, only the two we had in our first apartment. The little girls had trouble saying "food storage," so it became the "food store," because where do you go for food? The store, of course!

Then my sweetie was working for a company that decided to get rid of all their manufacturing stuff and they practically gave away these huge metal shelves. We brought home a bunch of them and we were finally able to get things organized. Over the years, things have gotten shifted to the bottom or forgotten.

This last few weeks, Dog Walker and I have been moving around boxes, throwing away things that had gotten too old, and putting in 3 new sets of shelves for better organization. We are finally finished (at least for now) and can move on to the next project. I'm thinking maybe that better be the bridal shower we have planned for Saturday...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have such an awesome Food Store! I love the photos and it looks so organized. I wish mine was. However, that is one of my projects to start soon.
    Blessings and hugs!
