
Jan 15, 2018

Saturday is a Special Day...

Saturday was a fun and amazing day on so many levels. First off, I got to watch Baby Doll play basketball and she made 2 shots. Then we ran home and got scouts out selling cookies in the neighborhood. At 10:00 we had a game for Scout. Our team hasn't done very well this season and they were so excited to end the game in a tie!

Baby Doll's first jump ball

Then it was off to get the final touches ready for Princess's baby shower. As usual, our wonderful and generous neighbors took such good care of her. I don't think she will have to buy diapers for the first 6 months! Drama Queen kept the party going with her clever shower games. I had to keep dipping into my Tupperware stash for a few more prizes because she loves to make people happy.

Then I ran Curly to his basketball game. After we cleaned up from the shower a bit, my sweetie and I headed out to the hospital to see that sweet new great granddaughter, Supergirl. It was so interesting to watch Cat Woman gently hold her and feed her through a tube that ran directly into her tiny stomach.

 Then it was finally my turn. She was so tiny, she weighed almost nothing it seemed. We could only be with her for a few minutes before we had to leave her with the awesome nurses in the NICU. Cat Woman was supposed to be released from the hospital today, but they will be close by so she can spend lots of time with Supergirl.

So tiny!
Proud mom and dad

My sweetie and I finished out the day by making a quick run to Kohl's and then stopping for dinner at Chili's. He will be heading off on another business trip next week, so I'm glad to spend some time with him now. Tomorrow I will show you some of the awesome things he has been doing to make a little apartment for Dog Walker.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a busy basketball game day for your family. I love that Baby Doll is playing; so fun! The shower looked liked a great one. Love the photos of that tiny new little one. Your family is growing by leaps and bounds. I can't imagine what your posterity will be like in about 15 more years.
    I love that you got some special moments with your hubby!
    Blessings and hugs~
