
Jan 14, 2018

Guest Blogger: Getting Ready for Marriage by the Dog Walker

I thought it's been recent ever since I got to Guest Blog for all of you. But my Mom is just tired after coming home from the hospital to help with Cat Woman who just recently had her baby born. I never got to see the baby, but I heard it's preciously cute and tiny. Anyway, I've been asked to talk about the upcoming wedding. Cat Lover and I have been engaged for over four months now and we are looking forward to getting married. We've known each other since the Blind Date that Beauty and the Beast set up for us. Beauty and Cat Lover have been friends since high school, and now they're excited to become sister-in-laws.

At first, however, I wasn't quite sure if Cat Lover and I were ever meant to be as a couple, but once we started knowing that there are a lot of things we have in common, (like we both love watching Studio C) we both had a feeling that we really would be a perfect couple. We did have some hard times, but we managed to work out with them, especially when both the Cat Lover's parents thought only they should help prepare the wedding, when my parents also wanted to help out with plans, since Drama Queen has been loving wedding preps and has been helping out with them for years.

I told Cat Lover and her family that marriages are meant to bring families together to help with one another, not to separate them and have one future spouse's family do all the preparations. Even Cat Lover agreed that we wouldn't have a happy marriage if it was just her family, instead of both hers and mine. So, we still agreed on a lot of things when each of our families took turns with ideas to make it our best wedding day.

Cat Lover and I love each other and want to be with each other for the rest of a life and for eternity. We're getting married in the Salt Lake Temple on March 2, 2018. We're both excited and nervous at the same time. We're hoping and certain that we'll have a happy marriage and be able to bring forth children into this world.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Dog Walker I loved your guest blog. The photos are awesomea and the two of you look so happy. I am so glad that your famlies are all helping that makes it so much easier and less stressful. I'm sure you will have a wonderful marriage, life and eternity together.
    Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way~
