
Jan 16, 2018

Making an Apartment

I promised you a sneak peak of what we are trying to do for Dog Walker and his soon-to-be bride. Since both of them have special needs, we thought it would be best to help them learn to live on their own a little bit at a time. We are making a small apartment out of a large bedroom for their first home together.

Over the weekend, my sweetie put down all this beautiful tile in the utility room just outside of their door. The nice part about it is that we have just had it sitting in boxes since we moved into the house over 23 years ago. It will match a small patch in their room that will become their tiny kitchen. At first we were thinking just a little microwave and fridge and then you know my sweetie, his projects tend to take on a life of their own.

Now we are putting in a little bit bigger fridge, a sink, and a small stove with a built in microwave. It cost quite a bit more in money and in time, but I think it will be worth it since we are trying to teach them to be independent. They will still have to share a bathroom with those I affectionately call the "bottom dwellers," but it is only about 20 feet down the hall, so they can manage.

Today my sweetie got all the primer on the walls. That was a huge thing because the walls were a deep sea blue and now we want to make them a white or pale yellow. The paint sprayer comes in so handy when we are trying to cover such a large space.

Tomorrow they are coming to measure for carpet. It is nice to think that far ahead, but it probably won't go in until the 3rd week in February or so.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you are doing for them. I think making the kitchen area bigger a good think for them being more independent. They are such a cute couple. I think they will learn to quickly to be on their own and do well. I was impressed with Dog Walker when I met him. He has really accomplished a lot.
    I will look forward to photos of the finishedrooms.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
