
Jan 29, 2018

Please Welcome Tadpole!

I got a text from Princess this morning that she was at the hospital and planning to have a baby. We were so excited for her! About 10:30, her water broke and by the time we got out of church, we were on pins and needles. I fed the kids lunch and then texted Drama Queen to see when she might be able to get here so we could go down to visit.

We finally got away just after 3:00 with a scheduled arrival for 4:00. The Frog's parents were still in the waiting room when we arrived, so we went upstairs to visit with Batman and Cat Woman for a few minutes. Supergirl is growing! She is over 3 lbs now.

Cute Tadpole
At 3:25, our cute little Tadpole entered this world at 8 lbs and 20 inches long. He has a bunch of hair and he looks just like his daddy.

Beautiful mama

Motherhood looks good on Princess.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I knew that you had this sweet new little one but I guess I missed this post. I loved the story and the photos. Congratulations to you all!
    I love that the baby is here safe and sound. Wow, 8 obs. And 20 inches is a good sized baby.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
