
Jan 28, 2018

Cat Lover's Shower

Today was the first of two bridal showers for my soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Cat Lover. Bossy, Teach, Twizlet, Baby Doll and I were the only ones from the groom's side of the family to attend. All of the sisters were invited, but some had work and other things going on.

We started off with lunch and then moved on to games. I was fortunate enough to win one which is sort of funny since it was a "Who knows the bride the best?" game. Teach and Bossy and I all got 8 out of 15 answers right, so the three of us received 1st prize.

They played another pricing game and I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that Teach and I won that game as well, along with another girl. It was all good though and no one seemed to mind. Then it was time for gifts. It was so fun to watch her open them. She was so gracious and cute about everything.

While she was opening gifts, her sister was making her a "hat" out of all the bows and ribbons. I have never seen anyone do that at a shower before, but she really seemed to enjoy it and posed with everyone afterward for pictures.

We are doing another shower for her in two weeks. Drama Queen made the invitations and I've had them on my desk for a week. I guess I'd better get them passed out or no one is going to come!

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