
Jan 27, 2018

Just the Way I Like It

I added two new girls to my Girl Scout troop this week. I'm always nervous about changing the dynamic of my group since we already have so much fun together, but these two seemed to fit right in during our troop meeting today.

Drama Queen got off work a little early so she could be in charge since you all know cooking is not really my thing. She helped the girls finish up the New Cuisines badge and the Snacks badge and of course she couldn't make it easy! The girls made Victorian sponge cake, Japanese street crepes, Disneyland lemonade, and fruit flowers.

It was amazing to watch her get 10 girls all working together and creating something yummy. She is a fabulous teacher! Prima Donna was also right in the thick of things and between the two of them, I didn't have to do much of anything.

Just the way I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is so awesome to have such talented daughters that can just take over and help like that. All of her food sounded very good.
    I think it is marvelous that you didn't have much to do. You need some downtime.
    Blessings and hugs!
