
Jan 26, 2018

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my real and actual 53rd birthday... well, not really now, but about an hour ago it was. I woke up to breakfast in bed made by Prima Donna. Did I tell you she is now living with Bossy and Gamer? She decided to take a break from school and she is currently looking for work. She could probably get a job as a short order cook.

Dog Walker took the kids to school, so I could sleep in a little although he did bring me Twizlet. She and I snoozed together for a while, but then I let her have the bed and I moved to the couch. When we finally got ourselves downstairs, it was nearly noon.

After Crafty got home from school she made me a yummy tortilla treat and later she took me to Jamba Juice for a smoothie. Then Drama Queen showed up with a drink and a sugar cookie from Fizz! She also did the shopping for me and made a delicious dinner complete with carrot cake for dessert.

Are you sensing a trend here?

I think my kids must know that I like food... Dog Walker even bought me a bag of my favorite black licorice.

It's a good thing I played basketball tonight although not all that well.

Last of all, my sweetie sent me some beautiful flowers. Who could ask for a better birthday?


  1. Happy Birthday dear friend,
    I loved that you got breakfast in bed and could take your time getting up and going. Then of course, all the fun treats during the day. Your children do know how to show their love to their marvelous Mom. Of course, I love the flowers from your Hubby.
    You are so awesome to play basketball too.
    It does look like you had a sweet day!
    Sending warm birthday thoughts, wishes and hugs your way!
