
Jan 24, 2018

Autism is Not Always My Friend

So the Dog Walker likes to buy interesting things. Like one time he bought a punch dispenser that holds about 2 gallons of punch. Occasionally he remembers that it lives in his closet and he brings it out for dinner. I find it sort of annoying because it is hard to clean and it generally hangs around for a while because the kids don't really drink that much at a single meal.

Last night was one of those nights. Drama Queen has been over all week after work helping me out since my sweetie is out of town. She was grilling burgers, so Dog Walker decided to make punch. I, of course, was oblivious.

Dinner came and went and we still had a bunch of punch left over when it was time to turn out the lights for bed. I thought it would be fine to just leave it in the dispenser and let the kids drink it after school. The Dog Walker had a different idea.

I came downstairs this morning to find a misty haze covering most of the kitchen and family room. At first I thought maybe I had just forgotten to wash my glasses, and I headed for the kitchen sink. That's when I discovered that the humidifier had been filled with the leftover sugary punch from dinner last night!

After cleaning it out, I went in search of Dog Walker to explain that this was NOT the best idea, but then I found him fast asleep on the couch with Twizlet cuddled up to his chest and I remembered just how much I love this crazy autistic guy of mine.

Anybody know how to get punch residue off all my furniture and walls?


  1. That's funny (although, I imagine it's a lot less funny for you since you have to clean it up.) I have no idea how to clean up a mess like that, but good luck!

  2. Oh my this is a story on Dog Walker. I can't imagine what the humidifier did with the punch. He does look adorable with that Grandbaby; so sweet.
    I love that your daughter comes over and assists you will your hubby is goine. You do have awesome kids!
    Warm thoughts and hugs for all!
