
Jan 23, 2018

Internet Out?

My internet service went down about 6:30 last night. Bossy and her family were over here for dinner, so she spent half an hour on the phone troubleshooting the problem with our provider. Finally they agreed to send a repairman out today to get things up and running.

He arrived about 2:00 as promised, and Dog Walker took him to the basement to to try to solve the issue. Within 5 minutes, I heard the TV blaring loudly in the living room. Apparently someone had unplugged the server although the kids swear they had nothing to do with it.

So about 4:00 I sat down to write to you and check my email, but apparently, I still couldn't get on the internet even though cable was working on my TV. After a quick text to Bossy, she stopped by after work to look at the problem.

Apparently, the technician forgot to switch the internet back on after he plugged it in.

I guess I'm not quite so embarrassed anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had the internet problems; I hate it when that happens. I need to learn that I really can survive without it for a long time without freaking out.
    Oh the baby Warrior is adorable!
    Blessings and hugs!
