
Jan 30, 2018

Just Keep Swimming...

Tadpole had a little trouble breathing on Sunday, so they put him in the NICU to watch him a little closer. (He is doing much better now.) We had planned to visit them for FHE, but after talking with Princess, we made an alternate plan. I knew it had to be something good since the kids were going to be so disappointed to miss seeing their new little nephew.

So we went swimming today at our dear neighbors' pool. We had a great time! Teach and Twizlet joined us as did a friend of Sport's. Twizlet was a bit nervous at first, but it wasn't too long before she was splashing and playing with everyone else. Baby Doll was determined to reach the rope and swing on it and once she realized she could do that by climbing up on the tube, there was no stopping her.

Even when we were all finished and the rope broke on the pool cover, our friend was kind and gracious and refused to let us pay anything toward the repair. In fact, he told the kids all they could do was come back and swim again!

Love you, Paul and Lori.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you missed a moment to see your new little one. However, I think a good family swim in the winter is a perfect choice for an activity. Even better that it is at a neighbors pool.
    Blessings and hugs!
