
Nov 9, 2017

Random Happenings

Several fun and interesting things have happened lately. Some of them are not really my story to tell, but they are significant to me just the same. Last week they set the stone for our angel grandbaby, Calder Mathias. Lil Sis and I stopped by and I took a pic for you. Bossy had been out there earlier with the boys and they decorated it for Thanksgiving. Sweet Calder, you may not be with us physically, but you are never far from our hearts.

This week we got a used car for Prima Donna so she could actually get a job and pay her rent. It was fun going with her to the car wash before she headed back to Ogden. She had never driven through one before and she sort of freaked out a little... but in a good way this time.

Bingham Ball is coming up on Saturday and the formal Crafty is wearing needs a new modesty panel in the back. That prompted me to take this pic (and to send it to her date's mom) so I could run by the fabric store today and try to match it.

Curly also had his team banquet tonight. It's bittersweet to have football finally finished. We returned equipment this week and other than two more banquets next week, it is over.

And so is this random post. 😊

1 comment:

  1. I like your random posts. It's always fun to hear about each of your children. The Grave marker is lovely. I think visiting and do things like this are so good for the grieving process.
    Love that Prima Donna got a car; cool!
    Crafty's dress material and color is pretty. I am sure you will take photos of her in it.
    I love the fun things they do as their football seasons end. I remember how I loved going to games but was glad when it was over so their was a extra times. I had 3 boys in sports at the same time so I can kind of relate.
    Sending hugs your way!
