
Nov 8, 2017

Bronze Award for Scout

I've been trying to get one of the girls to write this post for several days now, but none of them seem to have time, so I will tell you what I know, and then maybe they can correct me when I'm wrong.

So last Saturday, as you know, we had too many things going on. Curly was playing in the championship football game (which they lost) and Scout was receiving her Girl Scout Bronze Award. Since I couldn't be both places at the same time, Drama Queen offered to take Scout to the award ceremony. When Prima Donna decided to come down for the weekend, she gladly took our third ticket, and joined the girls at the Davis Conference Center in Layton.

This is the first year I can remember that they haven't had the ceremony in Salt Lake, but it worked out perfectly for us. Scout and Drama Queen drove to Ogden first and had to pound on Prima Donna's door to wake her up so she could get dressed and they could leave. It took quite some doing, but as you can see from the pics, she turned out beautiful.

The main thing the girls talked about was the food. The adults were given one meal and the girls were given a different, more kid-friendly one. There was also a third choice and that was the vegetarian meal; and that is the one they placed in front of Scout.

She was not happy!

It took quite some doing, but Drama Queen eventually got her the chicken strips and fries like the other girls had and all was well.

After they ate, they waited patiently through the awards until the Bronze girls were asked to stand and be recognized. Prima Donna did Scout's pinning while Drama Queen snapped these great pics for us.

I'm so proud of Scout for pushing through and earning this award. Great job!

Now for the Silver...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Scout for earning the award and finally getting the right dinner. These were some fun cute photos. So happy that the older girls could join her. Sorry that Curly lost his game.
    I love how you solve multiple events at one time. You have a terrific family that helps out.
    Love and hugs for all!
