
Nov 7, 2017

Happy 24th Birthday, Dog Walker

We had a great birthday for the Dog Walker! He actually turned 24 on Saturday and that was the night we went to dinner with Cat Lover's parents. They are awesome people and I'm glad the Dog Walker will be adopted into their family when he gets married. They even brought him a gift!

Aren't they just so cute?!
Then on Sunday we had Little Warrior's baby blessing in the morning by his daddy, and then a big family party in the afternoon for the Dog Walker.

The Beast was blessed in this same little outfit my mom made for his blessing day.
Drama Queen and I made the Dog Walker's cake just the way he wanted... a giraffe cake. It was a yellow cake with large chocolate chips and then it had chocolate frosting and yellow writing and sprinkles. I was surprised how good it was.

He opened clothes and a new wallet, a superfun Halloween decoration for his display, popcorn and treats, but his most clever gift came from Beauty and the Beast. They made him a candygram. I took a pic for you before he destroyed it by eating and sharing all the candy.

We even had Prima Donna with us this time, which is rare, so all the kids were here. Love having my home full of family and laughter.

Leftover frosting is the best!


  1. I thought of Dog Walker on our birthday! Sounds like y'all celebrated well! Love the Candy Gram. I haven't seen one of those in a while, those are awesome!!!!

  2. What some fun events this week. Happy Birthday to Dog Walker. I loved his gifts and his cake was awesome. I did like the Candy Gram; so creative. I love seeing the photos of Cat Woman and him. I am happy the dinner with her parents went well.
    Loved the photos of your little Warrier on his blessings day; sweet!
    I do know how fun it is to have all the children together. Right now we can't fit all of your children in our home. Someday, you will need a church to put all your posterity in.
    Sending hugs your way!
