
Nov 10, 2017

Princess's Baby Bump

Princess and The Frog come over almost every weekend for a party of some sort, but we rarely see them otherwise. Some days it's hard to remember that Princess is pregnant and their little boy is due the first part of February. She was so sick for about the first four months that she lost weight and we were all starting to worry about her.

That's why I had to laugh when she posted about her friends finally noticing that she is actually expecting. I wanted to share her cute pics even though those of you who are friends with her may have already seen them on Facebook. She will be such a good mama. It's all she has ever really wanted to do. She just finished her student teaching, so she could go teach elementary school, but she would rather stay home and take care of her little one.

Life just seems to be moving so fast lately! One minute we are looking forward to Halloween and then it was like "whoosh!" and it's already mid-November. I have been so busy I'm having a hard time keeping my head on straight. Every day I get up and I wonder how I can possibly survive the craziness of my life and then before I know it, the day is over and I'm moving on to the next crazy one.


  1. Time is flying and I too feel like I just keep having crazy days and then I think of you and know that mine is mild compared to yours. I still marvel at how you do it all.
    I love the fun pregnant photos of your sweet Princess. I love that she wants to just be home and be a mother. It is becoming rare in todays world. However, I do think there are more out there that one to be a at home mom; but money becomes an issue.
    Blessings and hugs!
