
Oct 13, 2017

Picnic in the Canyon

My sweetie has been anxious to take a drive up the canyon to see the fall leaves and we finally got the opportunity today. Sadly, many of them had already fallen, but the yellow ones were still beautiful and it was fun to take off with our 3 youngest and Twizlet for a picnic up Provo canyon.

We had originally planned to go on a little hike at the park we had been to before. My sweetie even brought the backpack for the baby, but strangely, when we first arrived, there were several people dressed as soldiers lounging on the lawn.

It wasn't long before they had assembled about 25 of them and we figured they were running a drill so we finished our lunch, packed things up, and headed back to Vivian park. It was too cold and windy to hike there, so we had to satisfy ourselves with driving the Alpine Loop.

Gotta have football at a picnic!
It was fun and relaxing for me since I wasn't driving all the switchbacks...

Twizlet wants to drive home!
We got home just in time for Scout to get to Activity Days and for me to pick up Crafty from her Cupcake Club meeting. I have so many things to do tomorrow! How does life get to be so complicated?

1 comment:

  1. I do love how ou find relaxing and sweet moments inbetween your crazy life of going and doing. Loved htislittle outing and the photos are precious. That baby is so cute. Sending love and hugs your way!
    Blessings and hugs!
