
Oct 14, 2017

Build A Better Utah Service Project

Such a busy day today and I only took one picture. Thank goodness Drama Queen bailed me out with a few you haven't seen before.

This is how I feel today...
I started the day chasing around running errands. Sport was out of school for the day so we had an eye appointment for him. He also helped me put away all the tablecloths we borrowed from the church for Catwoman and Batman's wedding and we dropped the suits by the cleaners.

Thought you should see the front of Baby Doll's cute birthday dress.
I helped a nice little guy pass off a Disabilities Awareness merit badge. He drove all the way over from Taylorsville because he couldn't find a counselor any closer. At 3:00 my Girl Scout troop drove our neighborhood picking up food for the Build a Better Utah service project. (Drama Queen will drop that off for us in the morning and hopefully get a few pics for you since I will be at football and she had to work today so she couldn't help us gather.)

All dressed up as Monsters, Inc characters for a Halloween party... what?! Already?

Then it was straight off to the Cub-o-Ree. My co-leader for Curly's cub den already had the boys there and was terribly happy to see me. We finished up at 5:30 and Curly went with me first to wash and vacuum my car and then to the store for groceries.

Little Warrior looks so cute, but hasn't been feeling well today.
Paperwork finished off my evening. It was nice just sitting with Drama Queen and working through some things together. My sweetie made an amazing dinner with the produce from the garden and he has plans to cook all weekend!! Yay!!

1 comment:

  1. I do love that you hubby loves to cook. I can imagine that helps a ton. You did pack in a lot of activities in one day. Very worthy and good moments on this one! Blessings and hugs!
