
Oct 15, 2017

Donating to Build A Better Utah

Drama Queen and Baby Doll took care of our Build A Better Utah commitments while we were at the park with the football kids. It was a pretty quick delivery since Drama Queen had to leave for work just after noon., but they still had fun eating donuts and hot chocolate after unloading all the food and diapers donated by my generous neighbors and friends.

We should have spent the afternoon working on something useful, but instead we all piled in the van and drove down to the free theater and watched Cars 3. We got back home about 7:30 and shared the delicious chile verde my sweetie had been simmering all day in the crockpots. It was perfect. All except for the fact that the Utes lost by one point...

1 comment:

  1. I love how you manage a service and then fun together in one day. Love your fun times with family. Blessings and hugs!
