
Oct 12, 2017

Guest Blog: Behind the Scenes by Drama Queen

Hey Bloggersphere,  Momma is sleeping so I thought I would quickly hop on and write a quick post.  Twizlet and I thought it would be fun to share some pictures from the last week or so.  Hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes!

Sport's hair is the best thing. 

Waiting for Catwoman's wedding to start!

That dress I'm wearing totes has pockets! 
Great way to scare Twiz!

Twizlet loves taking selfies!

Working on frosting letters!

Poor Catwoman fell down in the middle of her photoshoot!

1 comment:

  1. Loved looking at your behind the scenes photos. I think it is awesome that you hopped on and di the quest blog while your Mom was sleeping. She does need some good rest with all she is doing. Blessings and hugs for you!
