
Oct 11, 2017

Best Smells on Earth

If I could bottle and sell one smell on the earth that would make me millions, it would be hard to choose between a newborn baby and concord grapes. My sweet neighbor, Pauline, let us pick more grapes yesterday and I have spent half of my day at SuperCuts smelling hair dye and product, and the other half juicing grapes and making jelly.

Both were great!

Scout and I headed out this morning and it took us 4 hours (ok, it only took her 2 and then she had to wait for me) to look this beautiful. I'm not sure how the sun picked up her red tints and transferred them to my hair for the picture, because I promise I don't have them in real life.

I still have one more bucket of grapes to juice tomorrow and lots more jelly to make. This week has been a little less crazy, but I have still managed to fill it completely up with things to do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh your hair cut looks lovely! Grape Jam is the best and it's one of my favorites. Making jam is something I should start doing again. I'm a bit lazy, I think. I always loved to look at all the bottles of those tings that I canned at home. It was very satisfying.
    Blessings and hugs~
