
Oct 10, 2017

Birthday Weekend for Baby Doll

As you know, we had an amazingly busy weekend! Baby Doll turned 7 on Saturday, but because of the wedding, we announced that she was celebrating for an entire birthday weekend.

We started her birthday on Friday with a friend party. The kids colored pictures for the Color A Smile service project and then they made beaded necklaces. After that it was time for some outdoor games. Curly and Scout took care of that while I cleaned up and got ready for cupcakes and ice cream. The party ran smoothly with only about a dozen kids and no hiccups.

On Saturday, we gave Baby Doll a new dress and shoes to wear to the baptism. She was so excited for her cute cousin! She also wore her dress to the wedding in the afternoon where she was the lead flower girl. She even had plenty of treats because it was a wedding, after all.

Then on Sunday we had our typical huge crazy family party. Our newlyweds showed up and opened all of their wedding gifts and Lil Sis and her family came over. Baby Doll loved being the center of attention. She even blew out her candles halfway through the birthday song.

It was a wonderful birthday weekend and now she can quit giving me a bad time for calling her 7 because she actually is 7. Love you, Baby Doll! Happy birthday weekend... and many more...


  1. Happy Birthday to sweet Baby Doll. Wow, she had an awesome birthday weekend. She looked adorable in her photos. It looksl ike everyone had a great time. Hugs for that awesome girl!

  2. Glad to see the birthday party celebrations. Hope everyone had great time. I am planning to throw a surprise birthday party to my sister at event venue. It will be really fun to do all arrangements myself. Very happy and excited for it.
