
Oct 8, 2017

They are Married!!

Yesterday was a beautiful day as we witnessed the marriage of Catwoman (formerly Fajita) and Batman. The day started early with the baptism of my sweet little niece. Lil Sis had a party at her house early so we could get off to the football games. Sport had a bye, so he went camping with the scouts, but we still had games for Curly and Scout, Taco and Burrito.

Then we converged back at the house where Drama Queen had finished up the wedding cake and the chili. After that it was time to load last minute things for the luncheon and the cake into cars and head for the church. My sweetie helped kids get ready while I set up the luncheon in the multipurpose room. Thankfully, everything was already set up for the ceremony and the reception from Friday night.

There is always a little drama, but eventually we got everyone seated and Catwoman walked down the aisle with Bossy on one side and Gamer on the other. Bossy dropped off when they got to the seating section and Gamer walked his beautiful daughter the rest of the way and after a tender hug, passed her off to her new husband.

After they were married, we reassembled in a room off the kitchen of the church and we shared chili and a few other things brought by some of their friends. We had a little over an hour to finish getting ready for the reception. Drama Queen placed the cake on the base and I plated the cookies and sandwiches. I'm not even sure who reset the tables and chairs, but we had plenty of time for pictures before the first guests began to arrive.

Time flew, cookies were eaten, dances, pictures, cutting the cake, and tossing of the garter and the bouquet all were completed. We blew bubbles on our cute departing couple. With so many hands helping us, everything was cleaned up and we were heading home by about 10:00 pm.

I'm so grateful for all those who supported and loved these kids. They remind me so much of Bossy and Gamer when they were first married... no, I'm not going to sing "The Circle of Life" again...


  1. Congratulations to Catwoman and Batman! Sounds like a busy, but wonderful, weekend!

  2. Wow, that was an awesome wedding post and I love the photos. It looks like a great celebration for Catwoman and Batman. Her wedding dress was lovely.
    I still don't know how you put so many activities into one day and then get through and home by 10 am. I think it was a miracle!
    Blessings and hugs!
