
Sep 12, 2017

The Graveside

Dear Calder,

Our family has waited a very long time for you. Your mommy and daddy, your siblings, and all your other family members have prayed many times for a sweet spirit like yours to join our family. Although we were only blessed to have you with us these few precious months, we already love you deeply.

The first time we could feel you move was when Grandma Sandy gave your mom a bite of lemon cake. You always craved lemon treats and homemade bread like Grandma Benson used to make. But the worst craving you gave your mom was always for pizza, especially pretzel pizzas from Sam's Club.

Little Calder, while you lived within your mom's tummy, you made your personality felt. At football games you would dance whenever those around you started to cheer. You could always tell when brother hugged you goodnight. And when your dad would set things on your mom's tummy, you would kick as hard as you could to get it off.

We have all been so excited to meet you. Big brother even painted your mom's toenails pink and blue as we waited to learn your gender. We could already imagine by then your little toes and how cute you would be when playing with your awesome big brothers.

When we learned that we would not get to be with you on this earth, Calder, it was very, very hard for all of us. Our family loves you so much, and we are so grateful that Heavenly Father allowed us to spend a few precious hours holding you. We love your little ears, your long, long fingers, and your legs that go on for days. We cannot wait for the special day when we will see you again, in the flesh, and hug you tightly. Because your mom and dad were sealed in the temple, we know of a surety that you will be a member of our family forever. We love you, Calder. We will miss you, but you will always be in our hearts.

Your Family


  1. Beautifully written. So grateful for eternal families.

  2. These were such lovely and heart felt thoughts! I'm sending prayers for you to feel the comfort of the spirit. No matter the length of time with this precious little one there is griefing moments, praying that you will feel his spirit near. So very thankful that you are all part of an eternal family and you will see and hold him again. Praying for sweet blessings to flow over you all and sending big hugs your way!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ((Hugs))
