
Sep 11, 2017

A Family Gathering

Today our family gathered for a celebration of eternal families.  It was a chance for us all to grieve and laugh together. I am just so grateful for the restored gospel and the knowledge that no matter what hardships this life brings, my family can be together in the next life.  While today was our 34th anniversary, I found that I was thinking less about our wedding day and more about the day when we were sealed.  That day when my Sweetie and I knelt together in the temple and baby Bossy's hands were placed on ours, I knew that she and all my other sweet babies would be sealed with us.  My dear children have so far all chosen that same beautiful covenant, and because of that, I know my grandbabies are also protected under those wonderful blessings.  Tomorrow morning will be a hard day, especially for my dear Bossy and her husband.  Somedays it feels like it wasn't so long ago that she was the same age as Little Warrior or Twizlet.  Please continue to pray for them and their children that they can feel the comfort of the Atonement and eternal families.  


  1. Extra thoughts and prayers for your family today. Love to you all.

  2. It is so healing to spend time together during these hard moments. Wishing for you all to be comforted and espcially Bossy, her husband and family. Praying for you all during these difficult moments. You are an amazing family and an eternal one and that is such a gift for you all.
    Lots of love and hugs for all!
