
Sep 10, 2017

Sweetie's Work Party at Lagoon

It's been a rough few days.  My sweetie's work party at Lagoon was on Friday and since Bossy was still in the hospital, we sought permission to take Taco and Burrito with us. They really needed a break from all the sorrow and since the rest of us got in free, including dinner, it seemed like the perfect solution.

The Dog Walker even had the night off and he invited Cat Lover to come with him since we hadn't heard from Prima Donna and we didn't want the ticket to be wasted. We had so much fun! Our favorite ride for everyone was the bumper cars as we laughed and bumped and bashed into each other.

The Dog Walker rang the bell to win his sweetie a prize.
The Dog Walker and Cat Lover had a different favorite. They had been planning all week to share their first kiss on the Sky Ride. They even made sure I was in the car behind them so I could see everything. Not that I was expecting to witness that first kiss, so my camera was stowed safely in my pocket. This is a picture of the SECOND kiss!

They seemed to enjoy it...

We played until we were exhausted which came much sooner for some of us and by 10:00 we were walking to the van for our long ride home.  It was all a nice sort of reset to help us through the next couple of days.

Tonight I've been working on a little quilt to wrap our sweet Calder in. Bossy is making him a tiny gown. It's so difficult to say goodbye. I'm so grateful to know that families are forever.

1 comment:

  1. It is so healthy to take a break from all the sorrow and do a family activity like this. It is so hard to say good-by and making something lovely to put Calder in is so good. Yes, it is such a blessing to know that Families are eternal. Love you much and hugs for all!
