
Sep 8, 2017

A Celestial Son is Still Born

Have you ever seen a picture like this one?

They typically show up on doors way back in the corner of Labor and Delivery. Those in the front don't want to know that losing their child to a stillborn birth is even a possibility. I wish I didn't know.

On Wednesday while we were still in Philly, Bossy went in for a routine doctor's appointment. After 30 minutes of trying to find the heartbeat, they sent her to the hospital where an ultrasound confirmed what she had already feared.

Our little Calder Mathias would never take his first breath.

On Thursday they brought her in for an induction and the tiny leaf with the teardrop was placed on her door. After many hours, late last night she finally delivered. My sweetie, Drama Queen, Teach, Dog Walker, and I traveled across the valley so we could meet our sweet boy before he is laid to rest.

He is tiny, only 12 ounces, but 10 inches long. He has long slender fingers and long legs. A beautiful boy in every way. This morning he was given his name and a blessing by his grandfather. Such a valiant little spirit that only needed to gain his body. It's a privilege to be his grandmother.

Graveside Service on Monday.


  1. Oh, Sandy, how devastating. Please give Bossy extra gentle hugs from me. Extra prayers for your whole family, but especially Bossy and her boys.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  3. I'm so sorry. Will be saying prayers for your family, especially Bossy's.

  4. Oh my dear friend; I am so sorry to hear this. I know how you feel as the grandmother, my daughter had a still birth several years ago and it was so hard. I will be praying for your sweet family. Giving him a blessing was a beautiful things to do and will help with grieving.
    Just know that I am sending loving thoughts, mighty prayers and lots of hugs your way for you all!

  5. How heart breaking. I am so sorry. It's a rough road to travel.Sending prayers.
