
Sep 13, 2017

Guest Blog: Having Fun! By Twizlet (and Dog Walker)

Hello, everyone!
My name is Twizlet. You probably remember me from the day I was born to Twiz and Teach.

I've been laying in everybody's arms for months and now look at me. I'm starting to crawl around looking at the world. I just wonder what all these things are that are right by me. Are they supposed to be fun or should I leave them alone?

Anyway, I'm just trying to be a good girl with my grandma and grandpa while my mommy and daddy are gone. I love everyone around me when they play with me and these fun looking things on the floor.

I really think that this family is great and I'm having fun with it. I haven't seen all the  fun things yet, but I bet knocking over this tower will cause a ruckus!

Right now, I just want to ask my mommy and daddy what I can be for Halloween...whatever that is.

Bye bye!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious little one she is. The photos are adorable. I am sure that is is exactlly what she is thinking. Blessings and hugs~
