
Sep 15, 2017

Little Warrior

Today I had a haircut scheduled at 1:30. It is always nice to go out to SuperCuts by myself. It was quiet with only one stylist in the class. Melissa and I got to visit and fill each other in on our rather crazy lives.

When I was finished, it took me exactly 4 minutes to get to Beauty and The Beast's house. I was so excited to help Beauty give Little Warrior his first bath. He is getting so big! She filled the little tub while I undressed him. He was so wide awake and inquisitive. He has the most expressive eyes that just drink in everything around him.

It took both of us to wash him and balance him in the tub, so I'm sorry you don't get pics from the actual process, but I'm sure you will love this cute pic of him snoozing away.

I left Beauty reluctantly since I had a Cub Scout meeting. Then it was on to volleyball at 7. About 8:30, Beauty called me while I was still on the court. She was so excited! "I can feel my toes!" Even now, 4 weeks after Little Warrior was born, she struggles with feeling from the knee and down in her left leg. This is seriously a great step forward. Hopefully she will be back to normal soon.

She needs to be... her boy is growing up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious little one he is. I love his photos. Your post brought back memories of my mother coming to help me give my first baby boy a bath. Those are just such special moments! Blessings and hugs!
