
Sep 4, 2017

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

My sweetie and I got up early this morning and Drama Queen and Curly dropped us at the airport. We waited for an hour or so before we could board, but this trip was by far the most pleasant I have ever had.

We flew first class!

I know, I'm usually more frugal than that, but my sweetie was worried about my back and wanted me to be comfortable and the upgrade was not that much more. We had some pretty decent food, drinks, and mostly importantly... leg room.

We arrived in Philadelphia about 3:30 and by 4:30 we were in our rental car and on our way to the hotel. After check in, we grabbed something to eat and then settled into our room for the evening. We did watch the Yankees vs. Red Sox game on TV, so I guess I got my baseball game after all.

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1 comment:

  1. So happy that you are getting to fly away and be in 1st class. The meals and leg room are so awesome to have. We have done that a ocuple of times. Yup! Nothing like a good baseball game. Enjoy the moments on this one! Hugs~
