
Sep 3, 2017

Guest Blog: Labor Day Weekend, by the Dog Walker

I thought it was just recently since I guest blogged on here, but Mom asked me to do this, because she and Dad are leaving to go back East for their 34th wedding anniversary during Labor Day Weekend, while Drama Queen and I are in charge of helping the children while they're gone for a few days. It's going to be quite a challenge, because, it's been a while since either Drama Queen or I have baby sat children while the more mature adults are out for a day or two. That might be part of experiencing Labor Day, other than we like watching the Newsies movie every year. It always teaches us about how people have made a difference in the 19th century of employment.

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And speaking of employment, I've been working at Walmart over a year and I'm just enjoying about having the opportunity to have some vacation from it, especially when it comes to falling in love with the Cat Lover. She and I don't have to work on Labor Day, so that gives us a chance to spend a day together. Lots of people in the family think that the Cat Lover and I would be a perfect couple to be together, but we haven't had our first kiss yet, so we're just going to have to wait and see how that goes. I like to explain a little more about it, but that can be saved for next time. Right now, we're just going to stick with what we're going to face for the weekend. I hope you all have a good Labor Day weekend. :)

I just want to show you some annotated videos I made that might have to do with Labor and to see if these people would either need a vacation or a day off of work or maybe change a different career path. This is another thing I have been learning to become a teacher for elementary students.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun of Labor Day and etc. tending your siblings. You are awesome! Love that you have a wonderful girlfriend an dhope it continues to to well. Blessings for you and all!
