
Sep 2, 2017

I'm So Grateful

Crafty was invited to a sleepover down at Princess and The Frog's house. She came home from school, packed her backpack with books and a change of clothes. We decided to drop her at the train station at 4:30 right after I took the kids to football practice.

First she had planned to drive, but then we realized that since we had the 3 football players, Baby Doll, me, Crafty, and Twizlet that we wouldn't all fit in her car, so we climbed into mine since I have seating for 8.

Cute Twizlet is getting so big!
We made good time getting the kids to the park and then we headed toward the station. As we were heading down to the river bottom, I noticed a couple of police cars. Right after that we had to pull over first for an ambulance and then for the paramedics.

We were rerouted to 11400 and as we drove past the wreckage, we could see why. The big van was on it's side with glass everywhere. Our delay caused Crafty to miss the 4:30 train which took off while we were buying tickets.

Just before she and Baby Doll headed for the platform, she called back, "Sure glad I didn't drive." And she is right. It would have been such a difficult thing for her to deal with emergency vehicles and detours, not to mention the extra traffic.

I'm also reminded exactly why we pray for safety every day and even though it didn't work out quite the way we planned, and they had to take a later train, the Lord took care of us and I'm so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you are all safe. I agree that it is important to pray for safety each day. I have a slight driving phobia so I pray a lot.
    Blessings and hugs!
