
Aug 31, 2017

Time to Drive

Life is ramping back up again. I can feel it.

The kids have homework every night and there is generally a rehearsal or a practice for someone. Crafty and I have spent about 8 hours in her car this week every night after school. She has been doing all the chasing (with me in the passenger seat, of course).

We have plenty of time to talk while she drives, so she has been filling me in on her many activities. Today it was her worries about the Cupcake Club. I reminded her that we had most things already finished for Club Rush next week. She simply needed to get her posters up and plan a time with her officers to make the mini cupcakes that won her club $50 last year for being one of the most popular clubs.

It will be so nice when she can drive herself everywhere. I have so much to do before we get on that airplane on Sunday. I don't even know what to pack! My sweetie is insisting that I take my oxygen with and that will be a suitcase all by itself. What's the weather like in Philly this time of year? Do I need a jacket?

Sadly, we won't have time for a baseball game since there are no home games that weekend. Someday, maybe.

1 comment:

  1. I''m sure you will be extra happy when Crafty get's her drivers license. It will help you a lot; I am sure. The cupcakes look delicious and it sounds like such a project but you always do well with these kind of things. I'm excited for your trip. I'm happy he is making you take the oxygen. Precautions are good. Blessings and hugs!
