
Aug 30, 2017

So Much Going On

The Dog Walker and I got a chance to go to the temple this morning. It is the first time I have been there since Princess was married. My dear friend, Astrid, is very sick and she was the one who always went with me.

We have much to be grateful for with all the new babies and now another wedding. My quilt frames have been up in the family room all week. We finally got the quilt finished for Little Warrior; it only needs binding, and the same for the one for Princess and The Frog.

Blocks are cut for Bossy and Gamer's baby quilt and we are also putting one together for Fajita and one for Drama Queen. (She thinks getting a new house should be enough of a reason to get a new quilt.) I wish I had a little more time to spend on making the quilt tops. It's always so fun to put them together and then to see how they turn out when they are finished.

I seem to be nursing a cold this week and I'm sure hoping it has settled down by the time we fly on Sunday. Did I tell you my sweetie and I are going to Philadelphia for a few days? Our anniversary isn't until September 10th, but he has to be in Dallas that week and it wasn't a fun trip for me to go with him, so instead we are sneaking away a week early and to a totally different destination.

Thank goodness I have Drama Queen and the Dog Walker to hold down the fort while we are gone.


  1. Great Post! …. Thank you so much, its taken me forever to find this

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  2. The photos of the quilts are awesome! You are amazing to have these new babies here are coming. Making quilts is a fun project for babies and for a new home too. I usually crochet blankets for our new little ones. I am so excited you are gtting a few day a way. You deserve it for sure. Have a wonderful time together! Blessings, love and hugs~
