
Sep 4, 2017

Valley Forge

Today was a beautiful day here in Pennsylvania. We got out and about fairly early. Our first stop was the King of Prussia mall. My sweetie tells me it is the second biggest mall in the United States. I'm not a huge mall person, but we wanted to try out their Legal Seafood restaurant.

We arrived about 11:30 and beat the lunch rush. It was quiet and a nice place to talk over clam chowder and crab cake. Just for fun, we decided to walk off our lunch in the mall. It was huge! I loved the stained glass windows.

Our second stop was Valley Forge. When we took our big trip back East with the kids, we missed this historic place, so we didn't want to miss it again. I was surprised at the artifacts and the museum. Our favorite was the George Washington stone house.

By the time we had hiked there, we were tired and decided to stop at a grocery store rather than go somewhere else for dinner. I was surprised to find that groceries are about the same prices here as they are at home in Utah.

Back at the hotel, we relaxed and watched a movie. You will think I'm incredibly crazy, but I dragged two baby quilts all the way out here so I could bind them and I finished the one for Little Warrior today. I like to relax, but it drives me crazy to just sit.

My sweetie is already sleeping, but I wanted to share our fun Labor Day with you. More adventures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a wonderful adventure to be on. I loved our visits to some of these places many years ago. I love history so enjoy historical sites. I love that you are trying to finish your projects. That being said, you need to just relax and not be busy. Is that possible??
    Thanks for the fun photos! Blessings and hugs for you both~
