
Sep 22, 2017

Crazy Life

Life is back up to its typical whirlwind. Last night, Crafty was inducted into the National Honor Society at Bingham High School. I'm so proud of her! She works so hard to get amazing grades and still take care of her club responsibilities.
Crafty on the right.

I finally finished and turned in the Grant Proposal for Nutcracker I have been working on all week. Yay!! So glad it is done.

We took our cub scout den to the Gale Center Museum today. They had so much fun looking around and being led on a tour by one of the oldest and most continuous scouters I know. He did an amazing job with them! So good, in fact, that Sport and I sat down at the checkers table and I proceeded to trounce him. He was a little annoyed.

I'm so glad my elementary-aged kids are going off track tomorrow. It will be nice to have them home to help me with Twizlet for the next 3 weeks. Maybe we can even find time to get their rooms cleaned.

1 comment:

  1. Yup! I can see you are back at full steam ahead. You are just plain amazing. I still haven't figured out how you do all you do.
    Congrats to Crafty for her recognition. I loved it! Another fun adventure for the Cub Scouts. I need to take some grandkids there sometime.
    For some reason I thought most of the schools had turned to traditional school and were not doing track anymore. I guess having the kids home to help with your sweet grandbaby is something to look forward too.
    Blessings and hugs!
