
Sep 21, 2017

Who Has a Birthday Coming Up?

It is almost Baby Doll's birthday and you know I am always looking for fun party ideas. When the kids hit middle school, they know they have to plan their own parties, but since she is only turning 7, I guess the planning will be up to me this time.

That's why I was so excited to get an email today from US Family Guide. They are working with a group called Colortime Crafts and Markers.and they offered to let me review one of their products. Of course, I pulled up their website and it looks like they offer all kinds of fun activities for kids for pretty affordable prices.

I'm excited to get a cute bag for Baby Doll to try out and I will let you know if she likes it. In the meantime, you can get one for yourself with a 15% discount. Just use this code.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review on this one. I will look into it for maybe a grandchilds birthday. I do hope Baby Doll loved it; do let us know.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for you!
