
Sep 24, 2017

Busy Weekend

See what happens when you take a Drama Queen to the store with you??

Seriously though, we had fun!

Today was full of football. Three straight games and it was pretty cold out there. I was bundled up in my lovely heated coat and I felt bad for all those crazy guys who were still wearing shorts. Baby Doll spent the day with Lil Sis and her kids after they spent the night here with us. It was a crazy cousin party and they were all so excited to watch the Descendants movies.

Some of the girls went with me to the General Women's Conference. I know we could watch it on TV, but I love going to the church and seeing it on the big screen with so many beautiful women from my stake and their daughters.

When we got home my sweetie had a yummy dinner ready for us. After stuffing ourselves, Scout and I braved the rain and ran to WalMart to buy her a new pair of piercing studs. She has had so much trouble with her ears during football we decided that until the season is over, she will just wear the studs.

We got back and decided to dive into cleaning up the little girls' messy bedroom. It took us a couple of hours, but it looks so much better! I think we will have to get Curly's cleaned up next. It is much nicer, especially during off-track if they have clean rooms. Maybe I can even get my sweetie to clean carpets. That makes a huge difference.

He has been so busy this week helping Curly with his Pinewood Derby car. The race is on Tuesday. Don't worry, I'll certainly tell you all about it!

1 comment:

  1. Drama Queen is a fun one for sure! Never a dull moment , I am sure. I see that football season is in full swing for you all. We are starting to now be able to attend some of our Grandson's Soccer games.
    Women's conference was wonderful and I think experienceing it at the church is the best.
    Blessings and hugs!
