
Sep 24, 2017

Happy 21st Birthday, Princess!

We had a fun family get-together tonight for Princess. It was her real and actual birthday today and she insisted on making us all a delicious pumpkin cake. My sweetie made a pork roast and baked potatoes with a bunch of fresh fruit and salads, mostly from the garden; and my favorite, his homemade french bread.

He bought a ginormous watermelon from the Farmer's Market yesterday; we only used half of it and still had plenty more. The kids had fun playing a card game and visiting. As you can see, Twiz was working on his balancing skills.

Princess in the striped dress
He's pretty awesome! I think he might have been trying to be a layer cake...

Look Ma, no hands!
It's going to be a busy week. I told you the elementary kids are off track, so of course they will want to do some fun things and Dad wants them to do some work projects plus they have their preschool job and we have Twizlet to watch.

Crafty has her 17th birthday on Thursday and a party on Friday. And Fajita is supposed to be getting married on October 7, so I think we will be helping with the planning there. Not much time, so we will keep it pretty simple, but when the day is over, the important thing is not how the cake looked or the number of guests we served; but that these cute kids are married.

1 comment:

  1. I do love your celebrations. Happy Birthday to Princess; late of course. It looks like you have plenty of fun a head. I look forward to reading about your other celebrations. Blessings for all!
