
Jun 11, 2017

Party for Beauty

We had a great time tonight at Beauty and The Beast's new home celebrating her 24th birthday. She doesn't actually turn 24 for about 10 days, but we were hoping to stay away from Fathers' Day this year. Besides, we just couldn't pass up the chance for a tour of their new home.

We all descended on them about 6:00 pm. They were cooking The Beast's special burritos and Beauty was just putting her famous apple crisp in the oven. After seeing all the amazingness of their house, we settled in to have dinner.

Beauty opened her gifts (why is it when I take a picture everyone looks away?) and then we had apple and peach crisp with Tillamook ice cream. Yum!

Twiz was at work so I got a few turns to hold Twizlet. Her eyes are going to be that brilliant blue just like her mama's. Love these grandbabies! Can't wait to hold that cute grandson in a couple of months...

1 comment:

  1. Oh the photo of you and Twizlet is adorable. It looks like a great Birthday Party. Happy to hear about their new house.
    Blessings and hugs~
