
Jun 11, 2017

Dance Recital 2017

Tonight was our dance recital for Crafty, Scout, Curly, and Baby Doll. They have been working hard since Christmas to show us what they can do on stage.

Baby Doll, right in the center
Our studio is large, so they split the classes into upper and lower school. Baby Doll and Curly are in the lower school mostly, but tonight things were a little mixed up. Crafty performed her solo in the lower school and I thought she did a great job although she had to talk about every little mistake.

Mission Impossible - Curly
Baby Doll is amazingly good for a 6-year-old dancer. One of the teachers told me it is because she counts so well and stays with the beat. She participated in three dances tonight, tap, jazz, and ballet. Her ballet number was my favorite with their cute little umbrellas they performed to Singing in the Rain.

Scout as Mulan in the red costume.
Curly was the star of the show in his jazz class. I loved the Mission Impossible theme with him right in the middle as the main character. The girls love that they have a boys so they can do fun things like this one. The sunglasses were so cute! Sometimes I forget what a good dancer Curly is and how he loves being on the stage with his little entourage. He did 3 numbers as well, and he also did a great job in the Production number. He and Scout were pirates for Peter Pan.

Crafty, 2nd from the left.
Speaking of Scout, she had 6 dances (I think!), two for performing team, one each for ballet, tap, and jazz, and the Production number. She always does such a great job playing up to the audience. Her classes are huge and she is often in the back, but I loved this one where she was the character of Mulan. Each girl took her turn dancing with the "prince." So fun!

Crafty as Peter Pan

Grainy, I know, but I love Crafty's leap!
And then there is Crafty. She had 8 numbers, including her solo and the lead role in Peter Pan. I love watching her dance because I can tell that it is her passion. She loves being on stage and making the music come to life. I can't even begin to pick my favorite of her dances, but I'm thinking the Production number wins everywhere. She does such a good job as Peter Pan and then I get to watch Curly and Scout besides.

Pirates from Peter Pan. Scout in skirt on far left, Curly in black vest 3rd from left.

Sorry for the grainy cell pics, but they are all that I have.

1 comment:

  1. I loved to read about your children and their dancing. Crafty really can leap. I can tell they all are awesome at their numbers. I had my girls in dancing and it was so fun to watch them perform. I love that Curly is doing dancing too; I think that is the best.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
