
Jun 10, 2017

Getting a Haircut

Yesterday I told Bossy that SuperCuts was doing their free class this week. Of course she texted me back right away and asked me if I had time to run Chips out for one. I try to be a good grandma, so what could I do but say yes? After all it was my idea, right?

I picked him up at about 1:30 and we headed for Herriman. We arrived about 10 minutes early, so we settled in to wait. It wasn't long before he picked up my phone and started looking for games. Since I don't have any (no, not even one!), we started looking at pictures. After we got all the way back to his preschool graduation, he was bored.

That's when he started taking the first pictures. I didn't even realize he had snapped one until I offered to do the selfie with both of us. Then he wanted to take one of Melissa. That's when I noticed that he doesn't take just one. His little thumb was clicking that button just as fast as he could.

The amazing Melissa!
Nearly every pic was really 5 - 10 pics! So glad it wasn't an old-fashioned film camera!

Bossy showed up about halfway through his haircut with 2 of the other boys in tow. It worked out well for me to leave and pick up Sport from his science class which is just up the street. It also gave me a great opportunity to delete all those extra pics while I waited for him to come out of the school.

You boys look great!

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