
Jun 13, 2017

A Grand Adventure

Today was the first day of Curly's soccer camp (but he will tell you more about that on a different day). I chose the session in Utah County because it fit well with our summer plans, not because I wanted to drive the 40 minutes or so to get him there and back.

I managed the trip by myself this morning to drop him off, but when they told me he might be done by noon instead of 3:00, I convinced Drama Queen to take me back down. Of course Baby Doll and Scout wanted to ride with us.

When we got to the park, despite the wind and cold, they told us the camp would proceed as planned. That gave us 3 hours to kill in Utah County because there was no way I wanted to drive home and then make a 3rd trip back down!

So first we ran by the Scera to pick up Grandpa's free ticket to see Brigadoon with us. Then we stopped at Krispee Kreme's for free donuts (I keep telling the kids that good grades pay off!). Provo City Mall was our 3rd stop. Baby Doll had lost her earring solution at the dance recital on Saturday, so we visited Claire's and bought another bottle. That stuff is so expensive!

Then we wandered down to JC Penney and bought a couple of things for my sweetie for Father's Day. After a turn on the escalator, we left the mall. The girls were hungry, but everything there was so expensive so we found an Arby's. It was barely 2:00 so their sliders were all $1. We managed to feed all 4 of us for just over $10.

Back at the park, Curly was just finishing up, so we timed it perfectly. Drama Queen stayed off the freeway on the way home and I enjoyed a nap. I just love a grand adventure! Especially when someone else does all the driving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was a great adventure and you were able to do quite a bit. I loved reading about it all. The Kris-pie Cream donuts sounded the best! Hugs~
