
Mar 1, 2017

Running With the Wolf

We had our Blue & Gold Banquet tonight for Cub Scouts, which just happened to be Little Caesar's pizza (not quite my idea of a banquet...), but we didn't go for the food, we went to see Curly receive his Wolf rank.
Just waiting to begin.

His birthday isn't until August, but he worked extra hard so he could have it awarded tonight. We had three of the 5 boys in our den receive them, so it was pretty exciting.

My sweetie and I also presented an Arrow of Light. I had trouble with the lights and the sound this time. Someone said if I mess up enough times then perhaps they will stop asking me.

Great job, Curly!


  1. I thought you said that my iPod would work since you asked for it. I helped you make sure the technology worked before I went to work. Was it not set up right when you tried to do it on your own? I'm sorry to feel angsty about it, but I just noticed on the post that you admitted that you were have difficulty with the sound system.

  2. I remember my Den Mother days well. Way to go Curly, I loved when I boys achieved the different ranks. You are the best! Hugs for all~
